Incorporating the "9 Partnership Principles" into Your Daily Life #7 FAITH

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Partnership Principle #7 - Faith

"Faith is not belief without proof, but trust with reservation." D. Elton Trueblood

  • My Dad always said to me that if I tell the truth I’ll never have to try and remember it.
  • FAITH to me, in tough times, is a combination of all the life experiences I’ve had combined.

In my experience the top filters in LIFE and in business are:     

1.    Common Sense

2.    My Internal Instinct

3.    FAITH

  • Take your time friends and make sure you do your best to find the right (business) partner. You’ll have a great time in your life, and if you’re lucky, and follow your gut, you’ll meet people who can really make a difference and help you reach your potential.
  • I have found that having FAITH is good ammunition to drive out fear and taking action seals the deal.

FAITH Applied Daily

·         Have FAITH in yourself.

·         Have FAITH in your journey.

·         Have FAITH in your team.

·         Have FAITH in your friends and family.

·         Choose to serve through the conduit of FAITH.

  • One of the key principles to great partnerships is shared values and character. FAITH is the demonstration of these in times where things are tough and being tested.
  • The toughest times in life do not happen without gain of something truly valuable – even if it takes decades to find.